Stem cells from the Crystalline grid

The Sacred Anatomy

August 1, 2017

An article today I read online by the Guardian newspaper talked about ovarian reserve. The generation of new eggs being formed from stem cells. That were not in the original reserve from birth. Not so much in those words but something that I have been feeling, seeing through the eyes of spirit and talking through conversations with the fellow soul brother  who is from the medical world. Regarding stem cells. Through synchronicity of the Internet and via communication I have been talking much of something that I feel in the body when working with clients. I see rejuvenation and know it is through dormant stem cells. As the body through knowing its soul activates its higher vibration in clarity without limiting beliefs surrounding it.

Through spirit communication and channelled talks from Kryon. State the relevance of the crystal grids. Three years back these words of the Crystalline grid kept coming to me as I was working through energy and vibration and could often see grid formations around the body in certain areas of creation known as chakras.

Synchronistically coming across written material now stating the same information although it feels ancient coming into the new. My work is very much reflecting this, as I have had sessions where the client needs to be in a higher vibration. To release old patterns which form neural pathways of conditioning therefore reflecting on their biology as ill-health, infertility and blocked desire.

When I work around the solar plexus and sacral region, I push the energy up and out to raise its vibration and was told by spirit that this activates new DNA within the cellular matrix. Crystalline grids contain stem cells that generate new tissue.

Although these metaphysical concepts feel hard to believe. It seems to be quite logical to me that power within us and around us can generate anything. To me as I write this. I can feel and see that spirit guiding me and showing me that these grids work like solar power. The sun generates life, plant life does this through photosynthesis. The question lies whether is possible in a human. I feel and know it is. Science is catching up on this notion although articles and books now written by philanthropists and what we call light workers of the new age are writing about this. Scientists that were once purely academic are now merging with the quantum effect.

From qualia to body, with extra dimensional quality is which Deepak Chopra calls the meta-human. This is why the new age children. The children I call, the children of the light are hugely advanced. Coming into the world, karma less, meaning their work will be for the collective to understand higher dimensional gifts. They  know who they are and where they have been and very conscious, ready to create their lives from pure creation, through their present conscious awareness.


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