The body reacts in correlation to energy. Energy in the form of thought and emotion is what drives the body to create it’s being. The human Being. As a soul prepares its descent into climatising with a human body. It is light energy that is coding into a body through the direction of his thought mingling with his parents. The mother’s body is the vessel by which he uses her nervous system to direct the biology and implantation of the cells already forming as a blastocyst. The human body is made up of mostly water up to 70% therefore holding land in place to work in synchronicity with each other, as do all other nature’s elements. This is a mirror map of the universe at play. The macrocosm and the tiny humans coming in are the microcosm being formed with natures rhythms. A pregnancy takes place when an implantation of the embryo starts to embed within the nest of womb. Just like any other growing life, it needs the physical component of water to hold its body as does the planet Earth, our mother who sustains our life through her rhythmic nature and elements is exactly the same process in the womb. The human body needs a body of water as an energy form to hold its matter in place ( the physical part of you). This is how the magic of the Amniotic sac starts to develop to sustain and hold life. So the baby has a conduit for its play of life to begin through his mother. Energy from the spirit of the baby comes through as light in the form of subtle electricity, conducting itself by feeling its own emotion through the mother. It has an idea from the magnetic field of its own soul, of who it wishes to be, therefore aligning itself as an attachment to its parents to bring this into life. The life force is the Kundalini forming the energy centres which will be vehicle of creative energy that sustains and allows the expansion of a life cycle to occur. This is all driven and directed through thoughts and creativity over lifetimes in the eternal nest of which the soul comes into PLAY!

Blessed is the spirit baby…

“The spirit babies heart is held within creation”



The Unified Chakra Field


Kundalini Magnetics