Pre-natal cognition is an instinctive awareness arising in the body when the desire for a child awakens the soul to a further expansion of the self.

The ego and bloodline wishes on an unconscious level to express its collective soul again. Reinforcing the idea of ‘I’ once again.

The stirring within the soul causes internal feelings of wanting more. The mind begins to contribute by feeling of love emerging through the heart ready to nurture another. When a conception takes place not planned. This plays out through soul contracts not known consciously but sex comes as a summoning force in the quantum space and the child is conceived through intense desire unknown to either partner.

The astral temporal self exists as atoms of a template of which a physical body is built. Delving deeper into my consciousness of the lineage I chose. I can see the relevance of counterparts, thought forms mingling with each other, we are all telepathically in touch with each other. Past is playing through the cells as experience, this is happening individually, collectively as a culture/ human race. The present changes the past through letting go of attachments in the form of emotion. Then the future can recreate itself.  We all exist in each other as thought forms, vibrations and release these through the filters of the body as organs, blood and personality. The projections and perceptions we have of each other are formulated from previous experiences we have with each other. The way we perceive something is how we experience it. One man’s poison is another’s antidote. The science of Ayurveda states this, as does the symbol of the serpent. Being a healing symbol in many cultures and religious texts.

The beautiful Kundalini energy to me is the third aspect of Source the god nature of creation within us. The sexual energy that creates life and the living that applies to our everyday nature.

My communications on a psychic level are my thought forms interacting with other thought forms and counterparts atoms/particles mingling with each other producing various frequencies which project into the body as magnetic energy.

Although the body (matter) is in the NOW, the energetic (energy) part of you which is bigger is in each of your cells as an experience coming from other lives and the lives of your ancestors. Known as the unconscious. These thought forms continue into your bloodline as a force of nature wanting to repeat itself and it does…through your children. These are all levels of the psyche which is deep rooted until it comes into your conscious awareness. Only energy can change matter.  Matter cannot change matter.

So as we create life consciously it affects all other creations around you, children, relationships, family and material desires. I begin to experience them at a higher vibration. As I shift into higher perspectives of unconditional love. This is how Karma is resolved. It is the Alchemy of love.

Love is light,

Acknowledgement of the dark as a polarity is also love. Pure creation comes from staying in the balance through your heart, your emotions and thoughts….


Transverse Birth Position


The Placenta Desire Body