
Pregnancy and birth is a natural phenomenon. A process within a fertility cycle and rite of passage for a women should she choose this in her lifespan.

Sexual energy is the life force known as Qi or Prana in eastern traditions. It is the most potent energy created within the electromagnetic fields within the body. When connected emotionally to this energy, it can be directed via breathe work, movement, conscious meditative focus and release of tension whereby the body relaxes and defined in thought. The same energy is activated during sex and bodies behave in the similar response to an orgasm. Octave a sound wave produced by the inner sound of thoughts and emotions. The body with the movement is an Oscillation between two and a point of equilibrium is the point of manifestation, Orgasm. KMRT® model.

When a woman can access such deep brainwaves of gamma which occur through orgasm. A natural response of pleasure is triggered within the body. It then becomes attuned to higher states of consciousness with a secretion of healing hormones. Over time the cells create a memory much like the transcription of DNA creating a RNA molecule.  Activating epigenetic markers in the body bringing, healing states and openness within the brain activity. The physical organs are rested, in this allowance of restoration. Yogis have known this for thousands of years and are able to heal, control their blood pressure and nervous systems. By stabilisation of the Vagus nerve.

The magnetic field of the heart reaches out several feet away from the human body. This is the body’s silent language and attraction amongst beings to each other. It is the most powerful source of electromagnetic energy within the human body and beyond the body’s auric field. It produces the largest rhythmic electromagnetic field of any of the body’s organs. It is more than a 100 times greater in strength than the field generated by the brain.

During practice of heart brain coherence the expectant mother, preconception and during pregnancy develops an intuitive knowing of her baby. Pre-cognitive Awareness. This was produced by an emotional connection using her unconscious and conscious beliefs as a marker to a deeper connection to her body, her soul and her child. Heart brain coherence is having a focus between the brainwaves, thoughts and emotions that arise within you, through your unconscious and conscious thoughts held by your beliefs and directing it through the heart by creating the thought through love.

The energetic field outside the body and within the body flows together harmoniously when limiting beliefs such as fear or repetitive patterns of thoughts (a belief) that have been passed down through a lineage are eliminated through observation as a dormant fear. Bringing the focus back to her body, mind, spirit and baby via neutral thinking. With time this practise allows new neural pathways to form and a new thinking is developed through conscious thought whilst still understanding the polarity of a fear that may arise within her is just a passing idea. However she must choose which belief to focus on, so her body recognises the memory of being in empowerment and not in the fear state, hence producing endorphins rather than cortisol and keeping her blood pressure balanced.

The spiritual connection to her body realises her true nature which is love, within herself to birth her babies from her subjective health, body and mind.

There is a natural hypnosis which every individual’s life is based upon. These beliefs are derived from childhood and are dependent on cultural, religious and societal beliefs. Using this natural hypnosis to form her own emotional connection to her physical body, it will respond through the magnetic fields within the body and from outside the body to produce healing energy.


Indigenous cultures, Vedic and Yogic philosophies of health placed great emphasis on a woman’s hormonal health through observations of the moon. Women gathered and created a natural symbiotic resonance by aligning with the cycles of ovulation which was at full moon and bleeding at new moon. They aligned with nature through natural light. These balanced hormonal levels of serotonin and melatonin relevant to their body absorption. This spiritually enforced the idea of deep self-love and self-reflection. Therefore many rituals and protection of the women’s aura during menstrual bleed time and pregnancy were revered. Especially the first trimester where the fetal heart and neural faculties are formed, the most important template for the rest of the body’s development. Many woman of a spiritual nature feels their child’s soul. The terminology of which I use is The Spirit Baby. This is the baby that is an energy body on a subatomic level which can be felt through multi-dimensional meditative states of consciousness via deep brainwaves of alpha, theta and gamma. Also through feelings thoughts and desires of wanting a child. She will have intuitive flashes of emotion, a response from her heart. A woman can start to feel the essence of her child through this pre-natal awareness. This brings the mother into alignment with the soul she is birthing emotionally which correlates to her health.

Spiritual energy is kinetic in motion travelling through the energy fields. It releases the body into bliss states of vibration. Photons of light infuse the skin and radiates through the mother, showing through her eyes and the state of her immunity. Ayurveda terms this as Rasa. The juice of life and elixir of immunity. An energetic connection to the baby and physical heart of the mother paves the way for a healthy pregnancy.

Birthing is a primal response within the body to her creativity. Her sexuality responding to a primal call of birth is a part of herself, birthing herself through her child.  An evolutionary phase. The pain pathways of labour are the same nerve pathways activated during sex for pleasure. Such as the pudendal nerve. These are potential pathways of energy flow.

Practise of intimacy on an emotional level within herself and knowledge of her body’s response to her cycles during the menstrual phases and recognition of emotions arising during sexual intercourse. Gave these women a deeper insight into their bodies and soul as one connection. A woman open in her sexuality, spiritually uses it as an inner alchemy to transform herself. Practises of Tantric yoga a meditative sexual practise. Activates prana and moves it through the body in the directional flow of Apana Vayu which is downward and outward energy flow moving in the natural way of descent through the spine to birth her baby.

The sexuality of birth has been recognised in the world of midwifery and through birth activists such as Sheila Kitzinger and Ina May Gaskin. Their birthing case studies along with many more such as Michel Odent prove that birth is a natural phenomena, sexual in nature and mammalian. Each woman is connected to her body differently.



The results appeared in the format of a time structure of energy and matter. Energy being the consciousness and matter is the physical body responding back to the consciousness. Somatic to autonomy.

The woman who were willing to dive deeper into their sub conscious. By understanding their conscious and unconscious beliefs. Created a meditative practise along with supportive measures such as healthy nutrition, lifestyle and coaching through their conception journey became pregnant easily and naturally even though the intention was IVF.

The woman who did the work partially and not consistently, still got pregnant. However it just took longer.

The spiritual aspect of prenatal cognition activated their bodies into becoming fertile and during pregnancy developed a deeper bond to their baby, partner and extended peers. This is extremely important to follow through into the post-partum period.

Successful outcomes for natural births were a result of tantric yoga practise and emotional bonding to their sexual organs. Facing any fears about giving birth and placing priority on her beliefs and emotional processing gave her a new focus into becoming the mother she would like to be. Not from the conditioning’s of society, family culture or religion.

Connection to the womb and practise of moving energy via the KMRT®. Resulted in safe healthy pregnancies and birth. Kundalini energy works in rhythmic motion symbiotic in nature to the individual woman following her connection to her sexual organs with her tantric flow of yogic practice in her physical body. Merging the left and right brain activity as one flow.

The energetics of fertility pregnancy and natural birth is the comprehension of synergy within a woman’s birthing core, as a synergistic energy exchange. KMRT®



The Placenta Desire Body


The Unified Chakra Field