Delivery of practice embodied tantra pregnancy & birthing program
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The sound of each trimester her emotion and her body response to these emotions. The archetypal nature of her baby coming through her. Is she in resistance or openness she has half her partners energy growing within too which has an effect to how connected and synergised she is.
10 Moons her beliefs through her psyche and emotions each month in relation to gestating and birthing her baby. These Intuitive cues are for life. The Sun moon rhythms day night response. How much prana can she hold and how intuitively can she feel her baby and her own body.
Movement in response to E motion. Energy in motion. The impact of her environment, partner, family and birth attendants the system etc.
Her auric field and her somatic response to re navigating her Udana and Apana through the birth axis.
Breath rhythm, nervous system reaction moving it into creation parasympathetic system.
When labour is fast and the velocity of kundalini is vibrating faster and the baby is in difficulty slow the breath down completely, so her body can catch up with the acceleration.
How to observe and read subliminal language is by recognising you own connection to your field body and guides.
Your somatic response as a result. Becoming the observer and listening to the response as emotional sound vibrating through the body.
Observing somatic movement of sexual energy in relation to the spirit baby co creative energy field of mother and child
Re connecting her through the trines and Trimester 2 sound entrainment (In the content library). Trimester 3 primal movement and connection to baby.
Building heart resonance develops pre-natal cognition and expands the heart to receive their spirit to earth baby. Nature of her sexual energy flow in response to her baby.
The babies’ movements will Translate through body mind and spirit as emotion. Resistance or constriction seen in the body language as tightness, inflexibility. If she is happy in free flow her body will show it. Connecting to her baby emotionally builds synergy.
During pregnancy the components of Prana is doubled or tripled dependant on how many babies are coming in. It moves through energetic pathways and points via the air element (Vayu) with junction points known as meridians or Marma points. These correlate to physiological nerve plexuses in the human body. There is flow that harmonises as your baby’s spirit is downloading into your body.
Prana Vayu is the inward breath during inhale via the nose moving through brain circuits and oxygenating the system via heart, brain and lungs. Take long deep belly breaths through the nose feeling your whole head is oxygenated. Visualise if you cannot feel it. it will reach through with practise.
Vyana vayu is the heart motion in circulation via blood and peripheral circulatory system. It works with the heart chakra and is the basis of how you feel in love toward yourself and others. Breathe through your heart. Listen to its beat. It is your bio rhythm of life connecting to all your other organs. Instructing them is growing your babies’ organs.
Samana Vayu is the metabolic rate and capacity via the digestive system and digestion of conscious thought. It works with desire and the solar plexus chakra. How you process your thoughts is how you digest your food. This chakra is connected to your baby’s identity whilst pregnant so the flow will be different and you may want different foods and you may not recognise who you are because your identity is changing. As you physically growing another ego. Embrace the unity, co creation with unity like team work and digestion will follow more smoothly. Eat intuitively rather than following particular regime. Every day is different energetically.
Apana Vayu is one of the most important as it governs the downward and outward flow and is the descending flow. Conception, elimination of toxins. Reproduction, childbirth and immunity. It works with the solar plexus, sacral and root chakras as one flow. From desire energy to matter density. Keep your bowel movements regular. through hydration. Fruits and high fibre foods. Grounding the meditations through connecting to the earth through the mind heart and physically (the birth axis).
Udana vayu is the communication centre. It has an upward motion, ascending breath to bring in the cosmos and communicate to the rest of the body via the senses and beyond in a full circuit. It is the endocrine system and exhale within the body of Kundalini energy. Udana and Apana need to be synchronised during birth more so. This means communication to yourself. Speaking your truth to yourself. Keeps Udana flowing.
The Birth axis routine is a daily practise keeping the spirit baby aura attuned to your body. As the kundalini expands in relationship with the spirit baby moving in and out of the mother’s auric field getting to know its own body. Alignment through the earth the root chakra is important. Creating more unity with the baby and its higher self. It teaches the baby how to birth itself. A guiding light
The steps as follows through somatic gesture and movement.
This guides the higher self into an axis to follow and will assimilate the light through the kundalini life force into the physical body.
The spirit baby will feel the axial movements and know how to follow it through the silent energy movement which is the octave in oscillation. Creating resonance.
The sound of birth. Each breath, mudra and emotion the earth and cosmos hears and acknowledges your desire. Through somatic gesture. It aligns all expansion.
The feeling through your emotional body. Your higher self and guides will be through the breath and acknowledgement of spirit and earth as conscious beings.
With each step move consciously with love. Taking the inhale through the yoni to the crown and exhaling deep back down into the hips. The longer the breath and slow conscious movement. The more vibration your body can hold and adjust kundalini expansion.
The Birth axis routine is a daily practise keeping the spirit baby aura attuned to your body. As the kundalini expands in relationship with the spirit baby moving in and out of the mother’s auric field getting to know its own body. Alignment through the earth the root chakra is important. Creating more unity with the baby and its higher self. It teaches the baby how to birth itself. A guiding light
The steps as follows through somatic gesture and movement.
This guides the higher self into an axis to follow and will assimilate the light through the kundalini life force into the physical body.
The spirit baby will feel the axial movements and know how to follow it through the silent energy movement which is the octave in oscillation. Creating resonance.
The sound of birth. Each breath, mudra and emotion the earth and cosmos hears and acknowledges your desire. Through somatic gesture. It aligns all expansion.
The feeling through your emotional body. Your higher self and guides will be through the breath and acknowledgement of spirit and earth as conscious beings.
With each step move consciously with love. Taking the inhale through the yoni to the crown and exhaling deep back down into the hips. The longer the breath and slow conscious movement. The more vibration your body can hold and adjust kundalini expansion.
The energy body of the spirit baby starts to attach itself to an idea of a body moving in and out of the auric field through the sexual energy flow of its mother. Listening to her heart as a guidance and frequency of sound. 9 months of frequency as a vortex of information. Very much in the spirit world. Deciding on its body and the decision to stay as vasanas or samskaras are forming its body from lifetimes.
The Moon, Mars and Saturn building a structure through the etheric bodies through an energy template via resonance. The subconscious etheric template builds upon these frequencies into mass.
Matter the physical part of the soul wishing to express itself again. Vata is the main component of all movement. So, at this stage of pregnancy the kundalini life force will expand inward. Contained in the womb. So, her life force can be preserved into creating a physical body through her placenta.
Vata the air element moves Pitta into conversion to transform electromagnetic energy as hormonal messengers to the body. Instructed by desire of the spirit baby the hormones can be an overload as mothers body processes the conversion rate of electromagnetic energy within the cells as the third eye is processing another soul. Much expansion is taking place. The mother’s kundalini will rise in order to meet the expansion of the womb facilitating a life in gestation. Kundalini moves upwards to the solar plexus to form another I AM.
The first trimester is very much for downloading time of allowance. Not a time to be doing too much action work.
You can support in Developing a heart connection with the soul she is carrying.
Create moon circles of deep relaxation or 1:1 Wombing sessions. (See content Library.
OCTAVE: her current emotion and body feeling is the sound of her spirit baby starting to merge with her identity. Depending on the date/ time/ gestation of the pregnancy. Any fears/ trauma. Beliefs. 1st trine work
OSCILLATION: what is her connection spiritually and movement of expression. To pregnancy and sexual energy. Idea of mother hood. Practice of birth axis will help to ground and synergise.
ORGASM: working with unifying through bringing unconscious beliefs in observance and using the breath, simulation, being in allowance and deep relaxation is useful creating heart visualisations to connect with her baby. 2nd trine work.
Relaxation: being in and with nature as the trees will teach her how to root her baby. Sit with trees.
Breathing: learning to breathe long and slow through the yoni to carry more frequency and hold ojas by prana being increased to facilitate download of baby and teaching mother allowance.
Intuitive cues for life: Sun moon rhythms day night response. Good sleep in a darkened room and plenty of daylight will balance and create good synthesis of sun to moon light.
Movement: Start to kinaesthetically listen to her somatic response as baby grows within her and her body in response to that via emotion and body tension.
E motion: attachment through visualisation through the heart space. Connecting to the soul will bring her into alpha state of imagination her baby dreams of her.
Environment: noticing which environments make her feel safe in body mind and soul. Raising her awareness and attention to her auric field
Octave breathes alternate nostril breath. Nadi Shodhana
The sound of your nervous system is what the spirit baby hears. A body vibration in order to copy to form a body. The heart in particular is the rhythm it hears of love.
Nadi Shodhana is alternate nostril breathing. Our breath cycles through the right and left side of the brain alternately throughout the day. These also represent the sun and the moon at the third eye stimulating hormonal response. The 1st trimester is an allowance stage where the heart and neural faculties of the baby are being formed. When the mother is in a balanced state. The baby’s spirit can start to form a healthier attachment to its own body.
Nadi Shodhana is a quick and calming way to bring you back to your center. If you find it difficult to settle into your meditations, try moving through a few rounds first, then remain seated and shift directly into stillness; this should help to ground you before meditation.
The health benefits of Nadi Shodhana
Improves our ability to focus the mind
Supports our lungs and respiratory functions
Restores balance in the left and right hemispheres of the brain, and clears the energetic channels
Rejuvenates the nervous system
Removes toxins
Settles stress
Balances the nervous system
Your baby will grow to the tune of your organs…and bio rhythms. Which your body in tune to natures cycles of day and night and the organs response to these cycles.
Nadi Shodhana is alternate nostril breathing. Our breath cycles through the right and left side of the brain alternately throughout the day. These also represent the sun and the moon at the third eye stimulating hormonal response. As a practitioner you are constantly re birthing new cycles. So, keeping your pranic fields healthy. Breath work is essential.
Nadi Shodhana is a quick and calming way to bring you back to your center. If you find it difficult to settle into your meditations, try moving through a few rounds first, then remain seated and shift directly into stillness; this should help to ground you before meditation.
The health benefits of Nadi Shodhana
Improves our ability to focus the mind
Supports our lungs and respiratory functions
Restores balance in the left and right hemispheres of the brain, and clears the energetic channels
Rejuvenates the nervous system
Removes toxins
Settles stress
Balances the nervous system
Your baby will grow to the tune of your organs…and bio rhythms. Which your body in tune to natures cycles of day and night and the organs response to these cycles.
Take a comfortable and tall seat, making sure your spine is straight and your heart is open. Lean on something for comfort and place your hips supported by cushions, yoga block if you need to. Cross legged and legs relaxed
Relax your left palm comfortably over your womb and bring your right hand just in front of your face.
With your right hand, bring your index finger and middle finger to rest between your eyebrows, lightly using them as an anchor. This also signals the third eye. The fingers that are actively used are the thumb and ring finger
Close your eyes and take a deep breath in and out through your nose.
Close your right nostril with your right thumb. Inhale through the left nostril slowly and steadily.
Close the left nostril with your ring finger so both nostrils are held closed; retain your breath at the top of the inhale for a brief pause.
Open your right nostril and release the breath slowly through the right side; pause briefly at the bottom of the exhale.
Repeat for the other side
Inhale through the right side slowly.
Hold both nostrils closed (with ring finger and thumb).
Open your left nostril and release breath slowly through the left side. Pause briefly at the bottom.
That is one cycle
Do a 9-cycle repetition allowing your mind to follow your inhales and exhales.
Pitta as fire and water converts further into baby’s endocrine system as the chakra vortices develop. Samana vayu with the kundalini spiral energy reforms into pumps more of Vyana vayu into action.
The auric field of the spirit baby starts to formulate its own chakras, condensing into its body more. An endocrine system. A further idea of a body is coming into its psychic awareness.
Through density & expansion. A kundalini is forming. That co creative field merging. This trimester can be more action orientated.
At this stage the spirit baby/s own chakra system will be forming. Sound is the most vibratory influence. This will be emotion and communication to the body of the mother. Her somatic sound. Being in attunement helps alignment at all levels of flow. Entrainment is becoming in synergy and harmony with another energy. She start develop their own co creative sound with one another.
Grounding the meditations through connecting to the earth through the mind heart and physically (the birth axis).
OCTAVE: her current emotion and body feeling is the sound of her spirit baby. Depending on the date/ time/ gestation of the pregnancy. Any fears/ trauma. Beliefs
OSCILLATION: what is her connection spiritually and movement of expression. To pregnancy birth and sexual energy. ‘So Hum’ sound entrainment. Birth axis (which is magnetic movement. Kinaesthetic listening through internal sound the So Hum will move through 5 pranas.
ORGASM: working with unifying through bringing unconscious beliefs in observance and using the breath, simulation, sound and primal movement to become whole and create synergy with each other.
Observe: her nervous system and breath.
Breathing: learning to breathe long and slow through the yoni to carry more frequency and hold ojas by prana being increased.
Intuitive cues for life: Developing the Udana vayu through the sound of ‘So Hum’
Sun moon rhythms day night response. Good sleep in a darkened room and plenty of daylight will balance and create good synthesis of sun to moon light.
Movement: Start to kinaesthetically listen to her somatic response as baby grows within her and her body in response to that. Through So Hum feel the vibrating throat form Udana to Prana vayu opening.
E motion: her baby’s senses are forming from her emotions. How are they? Use the trines to develop.
Touch: daily self-massage including self-pleasure and start to kinaesthetically listen to her body’s somatic response to her yoni, her baby
Environment: noticing which environments make her feel safe in body mind and soul. Raising her awareness and attention to her auric field. The people around her. This will help her to identify what makes her feel safe and understand her birthing environment, birth team, where she wants to birth.
Soham or Sohum (सो ऽहम् ) so 'ham or so 'Hum’ is a Hindu mantra, meaning "I am She/He/That" in Sanskrit it expands the chakra flow of mother and baby.
The ‘SO’ mudra is the index and middle fingers joined together to create the upper yoni (shown below) on the first breath. The second breath switch to the ‘Hum’ mudra downwards 1st finger & little finger pointing downwards with the thumbs. Middle and ring fingers inwards and upwards signalling the lower yoni through these chants.
You can chant for intervals of 3, 6, 9, minutes creating a rhythm of consecration. (Video in content Library pregnancy trimester 2)





It is important to keep the whole chakra system oxygenated with the kundalini energy in flow towards spirit and downwards. Stimulating Apana vayu downward and outward flow and Udana vayu upward through the communication channels of throat to the head. The communication channels and pelvic floor strengthened along with downward flow of eliminations consistent. Keeping the body in a synchronistic oscillation.
This stimulates and rejuvenates the Vagus nerve. Keeping the cervix held in position whilst the body is centred at the solar plexus the main growth region and chakra flow of the baby’s kundalini energy starting to merge into its body.
Be seated comfortably cross legged
Back straight
Hands gently placed on lap in receiving mudra. Palms facing upwards.
Practice this breath for 10-15 minutes per day or building up resilience in your core strength. Oxygenating extra pranic energy coming through the field as you become more expansive and psychic senses mature.
3rd trimester: Kapha cohesion density
The veil thins as the birthing mother moves into her shamanic nature to bring forth her baby from the spirit world into its body. This is the labour process of contraction and expansion. Saturn and Jupiter moving in time …with her. Her root is essential at this stage for comfort and easy birth.
Sacred sexual portals opening to receive her baby’s soul. Building confidence for the spirit baby to arrive safely on a planet it has no idea of except for its parent’s perception of this physical world.
You are creating a blueprint for its descent downloading with you in a co creative field.
Creating a birth from your mind only creates separation. Being in alignment with the birth you want to have is being in observance with what creates your pain triggers ... This creates a neutrality base from which you can focus with intent and learn somatically to be in your pleasure through the parasympathetic nervous system.
It takes personal commitment to spending time with yourselves and allowing it to unfold naturally according to your consciousness and be at one with outcome you would like.
Primal sounds come from the throat during sex it is a signal to the body to release from the mouth. This opens up the pelvic cavity. During labour your body will move to a rhythm on the basis of your orgasmic cycle and your connection to your higher self, your spirit baby as an energetic form integrating into its physical form. Brain waves will alter according to allowance of expansion. from alpha, theta , peak at gamma and delta as your consciousness raises to call in your babies soul into its birth.
The openings of the larynx mimic the vaginal walls. Both working in response to nature and kundalini energy.
The element of air allows this to move prana through breath and movement to open up to an orgasmic birth.
Opening up the jaw bones to loosen the facial muscles and tongue reflexes to engage in birth help to open up the cervix. As kundalini works as a neuro transmitter.
OCTAVE: her current emotion and body feeling is the sound of her spirit baby. Depending on the date/ time/ gestation of the pregnancy. Any fears/ trauma. Beliefs
OSCILLATION: what is her connection spiritually and movement of
expression. Pleasure and pain cycles of her somatic orgasmic cyclical tides (does she orgasm easily which tells you how easily she allows her baby’s energy through her opening Udana and Apana vayu)
Her spiritual connection to pregnancy birth and sexual energy. Birth axis (which is magnetic movement teaching baby to birth with her).
ORGASM: working with unifying through bringing unconscious beliefs in observance and using the breath, simulation, sound and primal movement to become whole and create synergy with each other. Taking her from survival to thriving into a pleasurable birth.
Nature of animals as a guide.
Birthing women are in their mammalian nature during birth. It is a sexual union within her that is happening. Until the event occurs, she is not going to know how she feels as the baby whilst pregnant is a different feeling to letting go and becoming a maiden to mother or mother to mother from another soul which is also a different visceral feeling. Giving her space and time to feel and move into her natural rhythm which she will recognise from working with you with the trines, birth axis etc.
This also relates to those first moments after birth where the tantric union begins on the outside again if left with the time it needs for this to play out. If mother catches her baby she will rest upon herself and her primal instinct of being in connection with her baby will happen, face to face. Face to heartbeat.
Wanting to kiss stroke, instinctual primal behaviour.
Some babies will crawl up instinctively to their mother’s breast. From Yoni to breast. That cycle of pleasure which is resonant to a primal call during conception when the parents made love or had sex. Natures reference to creation.
Also, these practices help the placenta to be delivered naturally as the right hormonal induction will take place when a baby is out.



Labour positions
During the labour she may need different positions as labour advances. Some active and some passive.
Partner support. Stimulates the sexual energy into giving and receiving mode just like making love. The body remembers somatic experiences of memory. Therfore energy begins to move into receiving.
Using a ball helps a fluid support and sitting on one can alleviate pressure on the vulva and help to stimulate Apana vayu when sat on it as a support. It acts like touch, the body being held. The body will automatically move into a primal response and axis (like image below) in position that it needs to experiencing the incoming energy of the soul and accommodate its descent.
Other support tools like rebozo, pillows, towels can be very supportive and alleviate pressure through the hips or for the mother to be held whilst in labour.
It really does depend on how connected she is in connection to her body. Her sensitivity to incoming energy and her soul connection to herself and trust in her body and its nature to birth her baby through her body.
Planning a loose structure before the birth will help you as a Soulful Doula and the mother identify what she may need. Communicating with he Midwife or partner to ensure everyone is clear and building trust in this co creative field. If she feels to freebirth. It will best to safeguard her own wisdom for her body.
Being a support to mirror her own power to birth her baby’s soul descent into body. As you will have had sessions building the resonance and trust for all involved.
The body will remember the most resonant and familiar action to activate Apana vayu the downward and outward pranic flow. The most common therefore is the toilet. A lot of women gravitate toward the toilet as the relieving sensation can help facilitate the birth.
Some women like to be motivated at some points in their labour. Which can help them refocus back into centre.
Others may want to be left alone and a doula may be needed for practical preparation. Or holding the space.
Supporting a mother or family in labour is being strong in your intention and field so the baby has your transmission and KMRT® grid as a light source. Physical support should only be given if asked for. In your birth preparation course with your client you will have practised the breathwork. In actual physical labour the mother will then feel on a somatic level how she wants to move during each stage. This is her being and connecting to her sexual energy flow, primal movement and sound. This is organic to her inner tantric union. Her baby coming through her sexual energy life force flow natural to her.
A soulful doula is observing and using her higher senses to engage with the co-creative field of birth and safety of mother and baby according to her wishes at each stage. This is being a guardian of her embodying her baby’s soul and her body autonomy which is her feeling safe enough to express what she needs in her primal birthing state.