I worked with Viveka through Conscious Conception on her own. 1 session then she cam to meet me personally when i did a spirit baby workshop at SLC in London in 2021. She met Sophia and i. In 2022 her and her husband could feel they were ready and felt a presence of energy and we did a 1st/ 2nd trine practice as a couple and created a conception cradle as they both sat facing each other in pure presence holding hands. They were pregnant the next month in July 2022.
Whilst pregnant she did the embodied tantra pregnancy trimesters 2 and 3 on her own and with her hubby Rahul. She did the birth axis and so hum practice and their tantric meditations together built a lot of trust with each other and a connection to his daughter. She was born on the 29th March 2023 a natural hospital birth without interventions.
Once she is settled we will have a zoom catch up
Below are beautiful screenshots of their connection. Their tantric union of building trust together with each other to birth their daughter and hold a scared birth union. Co creating their outcome.