Whether you are working with the spirit to earth the conscious baby at various levels of creation arriving here or guiding the sacred feminine back to coherence with the masculine in sacred union. That individual was once a spirit to earth baby. It is all creation there is no separation.

To use simple language around the delivery of trines:

Our bodies are coded in survival instinct which is subconscious memory. The trines help to regulate the nervous system into natural regulation allowing the body mind spirit to be in flow and thrive.  Moving the human species into creating a new world based on pure love with unity consciousness. The trines allow your clients to connect on these levels using the power of their intuition expression and become in union with themselves. Intuition of 3rd eye secretes hormones taking it to the breast tissue opening the heart then it connects to primal instinct to birth and manifest. Creation…Devi shakti primordial nature through fire Agni. This formula is to birth the self as well as the conscious children.

The perineum in men is the muscle wall between their anus and below their scrotum (ball sac). For women the same muscle wall between the vagina opening and anus.

On a higher level we are all androgynous.

Through the body we are primal and operate through the nervous system and primal instinct of sexual contact and a conditioning of surviving which is still heavily present in human beings. just look at society and level of disease.

When we reach a spiritual level of sacred union. Primal connection is not needed in the same way.

Working with men on a primal level can work if the practitioner is clear on boundaries. using the trines in the same way as with women. identifying their octave oscillation and leading them into union with their heart connecting them back to their spiritual origin of source not the male ego.

As practitioner you have to be clear in your own sexual energy and not work from your base chakra but from your heart so the male client is not attached to your primal essence. KMRT® is a therapy modality and has professional conduct through its code of ethics.

1st trine activating and anchoring at root level. The I am solar plexus expression of self empowerment to the primal instinct to the birthing instinct at the perineum. same for women and men.

3 points - Bellybutton, Base of the spine, Perineum.

2nd trine the heart opens the spiritual gateway beyond ego. Linking in the heart to the 1st trine instincts. From Spiritual to primal.

3 points - Belly button, 1st nipple, 2nd nipple.

3rd trine opening up the intuition portal to receiving the field of consciousness linking hormonal secretion with intuitive flow. Creating balance.

3 points - 1st nipple, 3rd eye. 2nd nipple.

All three trines.

the power of creation.


The sound of the soul within the body. Their story. Past , Present moment and potential futures.

Archetypal nature

The body mind soul connection

The sound and pitch of emotion, speech tone (nervous system activated through survival and fear or intuitive in flow with creation and thriving) energy of their sound moves through polarised nadis Ida Pingala stuck in masculine or feminine rhythm only. Healing process take them into Sushumna channel of grace. Transformation. Materialisation through wholeness.

Elemental nature, connection to the cosmos or earth. Their Moon Sun rhythm.

This all Kinaesthetic Listening


The movement and expression of there octaves in relationship with their body expression and experience of life. Creative flow and potential to manifest. Movement of breath, nervous system reaction.

How does there body move in relation to their emotions. as practitioners become the observer and let them witness themselves. Guide them to themselves consciously through the trines recognise their somatic language. Their response to the sexual energy life force prana kundalini and embody them into union. Trines, breathwork expression of primal movement and stillness.


The union point

Creating coherence between masculine and feminine Ida Pingala and bringing into harmony Sushumna. Through neutrality of negative dense octaves into light thriving octaves of joy abundance and clarity using their recognition of their oscillation, somatic movement. Their body language will change in union. Nervous system response when in union is neutrality taking them to 0 point potential of grace and manifestation. At the point of physical orgasm through sexual expression the ego dies and you become one with source. Complete unity. All KMRT® practices take the body mind into union with the soul.

when to use primal movement

Primal movement is the bodies response to spiritual energy. when an old vibration is oscillating and moving to be released out of the body. It may need primal movement to somatically move the body in its natural organic way to release according to the octave of the wo/men. When using the trines also see if she needs a grounding element of primal movement. See a physical example with Priti and Bernadette’s video in the Trine delivery section.

The body needs to assimilate process and absorb spiritual energy. As the primal instinct of humans is to survive.

By using the trines with primal movement if she needs it. It will create harmony in the parasympathetic response. Neutralising the inner system.

If you feel to hold space for men to do this allow them to move in somatic response to their own kundalini energy. Which is circuit breath and then organic movement.

There are no videos of men doing this yet . However if someone wants to volunteer to be filmed. I will be happy to add men to the therapy.


