Pre conception is creating and enhancing the pre cognitive awareness in tandem with the spirit baby the energy form residing in your cells as the psychic chromosomes. Meaning the energy of your spirit baby resides as a vibration within your cells.

Creating the rasa vaha nadi. An energetic pathway or cord to the heart from the mother’s womb. To form a stronger connection to the spirit baby through its aura.  From the first trine creates an etheric template for a healthy placenta in the spirit baby world and an energetic cord into this earth via the nodal point of the perineum.

Using your imagination and love for guiding these little souls create you own sessions and meditations.

Work with couples to create and build that resonant frequency with the Spirit to earth baby.

Rasa (immunity and vitality) is derived by the consciousness of the individual in relation to what is eaten, how the body digests it and the emotions behind eating and essentially how one feels about themselves in mind body and spirit. It is presented through the subconscious and present in the consciousness of the person.

Rasa is the first Dhatu or the first tissue of Ayurveda. Nutrition of the body begins when the first ‘juice’ is extracted from the food; this juice is acted on a special form of fire, which converts it into Rasa, another untranslatable concept. Rasa (its root means ‘to move’) means, according to context, liquid, portion, nectar, essence, semen, sap, aesthetic appreciation, and many more translations. In sum, rasa represents every juice that makes life possible and worth living.

In the physical body rasa is chyle or plasma, the body’s sap, the nutrient liquid that moves ceaselessly throughout the body bathing each cell in its fertilizing flow. Nourishment of the body and mind, and the exaltation that ensues therefrom, is its task. the same sort of bliss you feel after a truly satisfying meal is felt by all the little cells of your body when they are immersed in fresh rasa. When the complexion is ruddy, the flesh and fat well formed, the bones solid, the nervous system strong, and the skin and eyes full of luster, one may safely conclude that the tissues are well-nourished and full of ‘sap’. Rasa, which is mainly composed of the water element, has the greatest affinity for kapha among the doshas, and kapha is the waste produced during its production.
Breast milk (Stanya) and menstrual blood (Artava) are rasa’s secondary tissues. Rasa nourishes blood by providing it with plasma. ( Doctor Vasant Lad descriptive)

In pregnancy, the pulsation of the mother’s heart translates through the umbilical cord in harmony with the baby. Spiritual energy works like magnetics and flows by the channels of the autonomic and somatic nervous systems. The energetics of the heart is the somatic connection of love. This energy is known as 'kundalini', meaning 'root and movement' akin to a snake. Hence the snake is a representation of transformation. It is also sexual energy. The energy that moves through individuals during lovemaking and orgasmic response.

So what gets a baby in? Also gets it out!



The first trine is movement of their emotions from wanting which is a subconscious pattern to having which is a conscious desire. Consciously and creating with your baby. Trying to conceive is not knowing. Knowing is feeling in the heart and gut that you are aligning with your spirt to earth baby and it is a definite in your life to receive.

Use the trines to establish what they or she needs to become aware of her thinking and feeling patterns to start to re cognise them.

Their spirit to earth baby exists. They are aligning with them through their heart. It is a collective desire.

Learn to feel them intuitively

Create from love

how to deliver…

 Observe her day and night cycles by getting into a routine.

During the day increase the natural daylight to your eyes

go to bed before 10pm in a fully darkened room

this will balance melatonin and serotonin.

      It is extremely important to follow the feminine cycle of day and night for the right secretions of hormones.

The circadian rhythm and your personal biorhythm where the heart become sin tune with the menstrual cycle.

a recurring cycle in the physiology or functioning of an organism, such as the daily cycle of sleeping and waking.

The way your nervous system holds energy.

Your heart beat in relation to union.


The third eye needs light to secrete the right hormones for conception.

Much like nature the human body performs in its own eco system.

Sufficient sunlight during the day synthesises the hormones produced during the dark cycle of the night the moon cycle . The moon where the Spirit baby is in dream state with you. The Spirit baby is psychic with you. Feeling into its family unit. before conception.

creating a conception cradle between couples

Look at the aura and her body response to wanting the baby.

Is the partner aligned?

Feel a message from the baby

Kinaesthetic Listening is seeing the somatic response to her desire and is her body in alignment emotionally to receive it not just from her mind

How far from the body can you feel or see the baby?

i dream of you mummy and daddy…

some pointers for your clients

Your spirit baby will communicate with you in the best way you are the least resistant. Mostly through dreams like your imagination it will show you visions of itself like a story….

Speak to your spirit baby …it is always listening and invite them into your life. Your womb is the first connection to this.

Body mind and spirit to bring baby here Earth side. Mostly Love. Imagine it is already here a part of your family and act that way as if you already are a parent.

Just like a playtime it will bring you visions , animal totems or intuitive feelings within you for you to start connecting to your intuition, heart and body. Use the journaling to form a relationship to your moon…and nurture yourself. Through the practices below.

Love and trust your body to conceive a soul here on earth


