Death Doula Grid

Every client is different. Read the field of consciousness and the spirit babies desire along with the mother and family desires to be healed. Step by step compassion and letting them lead in their healing.

Sessions you will be using KMRT® to acknowledge the physical death of the physical body bringing the body and heart back to wholeness to then create a new magnetic resonance where a new formation of the same soul or another soul will come through to the family.


Rituals you can use: is Agni as a candle in presence during session. Any guides present through the grid and water in a clay vessel as a representation of her body re formulating itself in conscious awareness.


1st session = 1st trine establishing stage of grief. any subconscious to conscious feelings


  • denial.

  • anger.

  • bargaining.

  • depression.

  • acceptance.



2nd session = 2 trine merges to bring heart consciousness into acceptance of the human passing of the baby/s



3rd session: = 3rd trine to re configure and merge into other two. Which re establishes her from the original blueprint of ancestral memory survival blueprints to create a new cycle to form another connection and a soul can follow or the same soul can return into conscious creation. Or just bringing a connection of body, mind, soul for herself and gher family is equally important. Not just to have another baby or try again. You will have to asess each phase.

Circuit breath can be guided for her to practice bringing her body into a new phase reminding her body of that. With the trines connected and daily practice if she feels to the pace she needs fro healing will happen. It is important to alalow the space and time and pace according to the family. Honouring the souls passing.


CASE STUDY 1 autumn 2023

RAMYA and her baby. South Indian heritage.

Ramya a GP in London


Became pregnant unexpectedly and was happy and getting into the physical idea of carrying a baby. Scans showed severe abnormalities of organs growing outside the body and survival rate being vey low. The best decision was to have a medical termination.

Ramya was bought up in a rich culture of south Indian god/esses and during session her ancestors came in. her mother a rich source in her life passed away only a year ago and she became pregnant quite quickly after. Then her own grief of losing her child has brought her energy to a peak. to which she is a colleague of Bernadette’s and was keen to expereince KMRT®.

After discussion of losing the baby

Circuit breath

1st trine

Bernadette also does energy healing which she added to the session.

After these sessions:

Ramya felt lighter and started to take care of her self. She became pregnant twice again and had to go through the miscarriages. She has handled it all very well. I have seen that her body is in a grief cycle as she did not get chance to fully grieve her mother as she died during covid. The soul that wants to come through is wanting evolution. Hence her connection to KMRT® . Now in February 2024 Ramya is visiting her roots in Sri Lanka and reconnecting to her mothers village on Mothers Day March 2024.

This will ground her grief and allow her to move on into a new cycle of creation. Despite her own losses she is in so much clarity which in time will help to fulfil her desire of becoming a mother.

She is allowing us to use a clip of her doing the first trine with Bernadette for the post partum care presentation for APPPAH which is a real honour for us to showcase KMRT®.

Namaste to this soul and its mother. Aum Shanti.


