Orgasmic breathwork to begin the art of Kinaesthetic Listening

Primal movement to disperse and integrate kundalini into primal senses

Circuit breath

Archetypal octave sound of their menstrual cycle

Moon Sun

Teach your sistars to practice feminine embodiment through primal movement and circuit breath.

recognising through Kinaesthetic Listening

their rythmn octave with their sexual energy

Crystallise the Conscious awareness

Creating new neural pathways via journaling with their moon



    Buy 2 journals. In journal one writes all your fears around birthing new parts of yourself and releasing your old self. No longer in alignment with your dreams desires.

    Journal 1 -Your mind needs to filter out negative emotions through the hands in writing.

    So it is out of the body. It is Dispersed

    Journal 2 - Then rewire the brain by writing desire in the other journal talking to yourself and the woman you want to be. Start to write letters to the soul of yourself full of love. Your dreams and desires for the love of you and your higher self and anything you wish to say.

    Start to form a relationship with your soul and through your body. Your body has language through the nervous system. when writing feel in your nervous system how you feel about it. Your body will tell you about you would like by responding in fight or flight.

    You will then know how your body is responding to growing new parts of yourself. Letting go of your young maiden self-will transpire throughout life into more nurture of you. Actually, recognising this as an exciting phase and that losing a part of you leads you to knowing more of yourself. Can be exciting rather than grief. This will make it easier and smoother.

    Smoothly transitions you into each phase of life.



    Overserve your emotions of your moon phases in alignment with your rhythmic cycles of creative emotion and your subconscious will be synthesised through Sunlight each day.

    As your subconscious is coming into awareness through your body each moon cycle. Become conscious to be aware of your fluctuating emotions and thoughts.

    Observe the moon in her light and darkness as she waxes and wanes. Feel that in your body. It will give you the signal of how your biology corresponds to your thoughts. Observe your emotional waves and understand your negative emotions of anger, frustration, depression etc. choose how to feel each day as you become more aware and know all other thoughts are just thoughts.

    Your emotion waves in alignment with the moon tides. How do you feel during the month in relation to your body . How does your body respond? Inflammation, pain, sadness, attachment fluid retention. Or embracing a new day each day with opportunity.

    These are all indications of your idea of womanhood and creation of your life in relation to creation and birthing new versions of yourself.

    Notice how you feel sexually in connection to your libido during waxing and waning phase. This is absorption and vitality you feel during the day from the night.

    Your psychic intuitive nature turning into the life force of turning your creams into reality.



    Once you recognise and realise your emotions in relation to the moon phases of waxing and waning light.

    Choose how to feel everyday instead of just seeing what the day brings. as if your dream was a reality

    Do not supress negativity. Acknowledge it and bring your awareness to neutrality through directing it through your thoughts and acknowledge it as a part of you. By doing this it is neutralised. Therefore, your nervous system and cells are not fighting anything new and the body starts to align.

    Once you feel comfortable with this. You are able to choose how to feel daily to maximise joy , love and compassion for yourself. So, your nervous system is not always reactive into survival. You are entraining it to become thriving.

    This not about perfection. It is about connection.

    This expands into knowing yourself in union discovery of family unity and love. Guiding yourself into into self-empowerment can begin by connecting to your conscious womb.

Creating circles



